Easy Purchase | APR* |
24 to 48 Months1 | 10.50% - 18.00%%2 |
Personal | APR* |
12 to 48 Months1 | 8.75% - 16.25%2 |
13.00% | |
Overdraft Protection | APR* |
15.00% | |
VISA® Credit Card | APR* |
9.00% | |
Share Secured Loan | APR* |
2.50% Above Current Rate with 3.00% Minimum | |
Certificate Secured Loan | APR* |
2.50% Above Current Rate with 3.00% Minimum | |
Home Equity Line of Credit | APR* |
Variable Rate Based on Prime | |
Vehicle | APR* |
New - Up to 84 Months1 | 5.50% - 14.15%2 |
Used - Up to 72 Months1 | 5.50% - 14.15%2 |
RVs/Boats/Campers | APR* |
New - Up to 120 Months1 | 11.40% - 18.00%2 |
Used - 48 to 120 Months1 | 9.75% - 18.00%2 |
Motorcycles/Jet Skis | APR* |
New - Up to 60 Months1 | 9.00% - 16.25%2 |
Used - 36 to 48 Months1 | 9.00% - 16.00%2 |
Effective March 21, 2024